Thu, 05/05/2022 - 10:14am
Missourians United to Combat Hunger, Inc. (MUNCH) has scholarships intended to help adults learn new skills that will allow them to become more self-sufficient, better their employment opportunities or chances for advancement, and improve their economic situation in life.
Persons applying for a scholarship must: have a Willow Springs address, a Willow Springs telephone number or live in the Willow Springs school district; and demonstrate a definite need for financial assistance. The value of the scholarships may vary from $100 to $1000 depending on: financial need, applicants eligibility for other grants or scholarships, nature of the proposed program of study, and the amount available and number of applications.
These programs may qualify an applicant for classes at a technical college, college or university, or any program that leads directly to employment. Applicants will be interviewed in person by the Scholarship Board and should be prepared to state his/her career goals and why he/she deserves a scholarship.
Applicants must ask for and fill out a form. This application form may be obtained by visiting or writing: Missourians to Combat Hunger, Inc., PO Box 234, Willow Springs, MO 65793, or calling 417-469-3221. Application forms will be available from May 2 – June 15. MUNCH is open Monday-Wednesday and Friday from 12-4 and Sat 10-12.