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The Willow Springs Elementary was the receipient of the Casey's Cash for Classrooms Grant.  The amount of $22,500 will be used to purchase and install six new smartboards for all the fourth grade and one third grade classrooms this summer. 
Jeff & Sheri Easter will be in concert at First General Baptist Church in Willow Springs on Friday night, March 19 at 7:00 p.m.   Over the past thirty-two years, Jeff and Sheri have produced over sixty Top 20 songs, received numerous Dove and Grammy Award nominations, and acquired various...
Fifth grade students from throughout the state are invited to participate in the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association annual poster contest recognizing and celebrating Drinking Water Week, May 2-8, 2021.   This year's...
The Women Legislators of Missouri are encouraging young women set to graduate from high school at the end of this year to apply for a $500 college scholarship. Each year the group selects one student from each of Missouri’s congressional districts to receive the award.   Members hope to...
Area residents who want to obtain their high school equivalency diploma can still safely access the services available through Missouri State University-West Plains’ (MSU-WP) Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program, according to program coordinator Joan Wright.   Since the start of the...
Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP) officials have extended the deadline to apply for scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year. The March 1 deadline has been moved to March 31.  "With the COVID-19 pandemic still a factor, college planning continues to be a challenge for high school...
The Harlin Museum of West Plains, MO is set to host its annual High School Art Show & Young Artist Showcase and is calling for art submissions from all regional public, private, and home-schooled student artists in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grades. Entry dates for the show’s competition...
Willow Springs R-IV School District Monday, April 5, 2021, was originally scheduled as a professional development day, and will now be a regular day of school. Students will be required to be in attendance on this day. No additional days have been added to the calendar at this time, but any...
The local Classical Conversations homeschooling community held their annual Science Fair last week. Nine 13-and-14-year-old students displayed their hard work from the past ten weeks, demonstrating the scientific process through experimentation. On fair day, students reported their results in a...
The Community Foundation of the Ozarks is seeking short video submissions from residents across the region to document the past year of living in a global pandemic.    "Your Year in a Minute" is an effort to capture local experiences of life during the Coronavirus pandemic to share now and...


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