Community Events

WiFi, internet access, and computers are available at the Mountain View Public Library at no charge to assist parents to access virtual learning for their child. Call ahead to reserve a time for your child to study online. 417-934-6154.
MUNCH in Willow Springs is offering everything in the store at a discount of 50% beginning September 2 and lasting until September 30. For more information, contact the store at 417-469-3221.
The Mountain View, Missouri VFW Post 3009 located at 1503 North Y Highway invites the public to watch and learn how the American flag is properly retired and disposed of at a flag retirement on Saturday, September 12 at 4:00 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair for the ceremony. For...
The Mountain View Senior Center will host a fish and turkey fry on September 11, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Choose either fried fish or deep fried turkey for a cost of $7. Enjoy slaw, brown beans, cornbread, and dessert with your choice of entrée.  Meals will be drive-through at the Mountain View...
Hot lunches will be available for pick up at the Willow springs Senior Center on September 9 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. Lunch includes an open face roast beef sandwich, mashed potato, green bean, dessert and bottle of water. The suggested donation is $3.50 for ages over 60 and $6.00 for under...
Veterans in Defense of Liberty®/ Liberty Riders of America™ is hosting the Second Annual Missouri Vietnam Wall Run 2020™ as a two day event on Friday and Saturday, September 18 and 19 to honor POW-MIA’s that are still unaccounted for and to honor Vietnam Veterans and in honor of National POW/MIA...
The Willow Springs Christian Women's meeting scheduled for September 11 has been cancelled due to the virus.
Willow Springs Senior Center will host an Ice Cream Social and Music in the Park at 501 Senior Lane in Willow Springs on Friday, August 28 from 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. Bring a lawn chair. Music will be hosted by the Rhubarb Jam Band. All musicians are welcome to participate in a circle jam....
A peaceful protest in opposition of the proposed ordinance that would require face coverings in the city of West Plains is scheduled today at City Hall.  “We need to be a voice for our community. Today at 5:30pm, City Council will be doing the first reading of the Ordinance regarding the potential...
Hammond Mill Camp, Inc. is having a yard sale to raise funds for the camp on Friday and Saturday, August 14 and 15 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Baked goods and grilled hot dogs will also be sold at the sale. This event is being held at Genesis Church Youth Building two miles south of Walmart. The...


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