Commission accepts concrete bid

The Howell County Commission accepted a bid for concrete work on six low water crossings on county roads during their July 8 meeting. The commission only received one bid for the work, that bid coming from T&J Concrete. The low water crossings are in the northern commission area under Commissioner Calvin Wood’s purview.
The first of the six projects was on County Road 2490 between Pomona and White Church for a low water crossing 75 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and 8 in. tall, at a cost of $32,000. The second is for County Road 1480 south of Peace Valley for a concrete section 16 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and 8 in. tall for $33,090. The county will also have three 18-in diameter pipes installed in this crossing. The third is on County Road 5830, off of State Route AM, west of Willow Springs, for 50 ft. long, 25 ft. wide, and 8 in. tall for $25,500. The fourth project will be on County Road 3580 at the same dimensions as the third project and for the same price of $25,500. The fifth project is for County Road 3370, south of Mountain View, for a section 55 ft. long, 16 ft. wide, and 8 in. tall at a price of $25,000. Wood said this project had a narrower width due to the road being narrower. The final project was for County Road 3810 for a triangular pour 27 ft. long for a footing piece on the existing crossing at a cost of $18,000. 
The total cost for all the projects in this bid was for $159,090. A motion to approve this bid was made by Wood and seconded by Southern Commissioner Billy Sexton. The bid received unanimous approval.
The Howell County Commissioners are Presiding Commissioner Ralph Riggs, Northern Commissioner Calvin Wood, and Southern Commissioner Billy Sexton. The commission meets in regular session on Mondays and Thursdays, from 10 am to 3:30 pm. The meetings remain open during the lunch hour and are open to the public. Contact the commissioners' chamber by phone at (417) 256-3872.
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