Oak St. update
Wed, 07/17/2024 - 11:41am
Mtn. View aldermen meet in regular session
Laura Wagner, contributing writer
A workaday meeting of the Mountain View Board of Aldermen began nearly twenty minutes late last week. A public hearing regarding the city’s water rates held immediately before ran over time.
The short regular meeting began at 6:18 p.m. on July 9. Prior to approving the consent agenda, Alderwoman Judi Colter wanted the draft minutes of the June meeting revisited. Colter said things she specifically asked to be placed in the minutes were not there. After a brief discussion regarding bills, the consent agenda was approved with a motion by Alderwoman Colter, seconded by Alderman Calvin Perry and an all-in-favor from the board.
In old business, the public heard an update on the Oak Street Project. The contractor, Quadi, is currently waiting for the reinforcing steel before they begin the repairs of the hole on Oak Street. By mid-August, they hope to have all materials needed to make repairs and rebuild the culvert under First Street.
The board then approved an annual agreement of terms between the city of and the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce with a motion from Alderman Perry, seconded by Alderman Ed Martin with an all-in favor.
In new business, the board approved three ordinances:
-Ordinance No. 1756 – An ordinance adopting the City’s Sunshine Law Policy – A policy the city needed to have on record to comply with the Sunshine Law.
-Ordinance No. 1757 – An ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign an MPUA (Missouri Public Utility Alliance) Mutual Aid Agreement.
-Ordinance No. 1758 – An ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances regarding late fees. The ordinance was amended due to a grammatical error.