Shannon County Museum Annual Archaeology-History program Sept. 30

The Shannon County Museum presents the annual Archaeology/History program on Monday, Sept. 30 beginning at 7:00 p.m. The program will take place at the museum located on Main Street in Eminence. The speaker will be Jack H. Ray, Emeritus Research Professor, Center for Archaeological Research, Missouri State University Springfield. He will be speaking on "Recent Archaeological Investigations in Shannon County: The Alley Mill Site and Cave Spring Dugout Canoe".
The Alley Mill, a well known historical site, was a thriving community in Shannon County in the early 1900s and it features one of the few surviving grist mills in the country. What wasn't known until a few years ago is that it was also the location of a prehistoric Native American site around 10,000 years ago. Sites that old are relatively rare in Missouri so its significant. The part of a dugout canoe found in Cave Spring on Current River was dated to about 1,000 years old, the oldest prehistoric canoe yet found in Missouri.
The public is invited and the program is free. Donations to support the programs and museum are much appreciated. Memberships to the museum can be purchased for $10.00 per year.
For more information call 314-291-1165 or email
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