Wed, 10/07/2020 - 11:23am
The City of Willow Springs is celebrating Public Power Week (#PublicPowerWeek), October 4-10, along with the American Public Power Association, the 79 member hometown electric utilities of the Missouri Public Utility Alliance, and more than 2,000 other community-owned, not-for-profit electric utilities that collectively provide electricity to 49 million Americans. With an increased amount of teleworking and time spent at home while social distancing, this year to make this week, Willow Springs City Utilities offers a few tips on how to save energy and money in your home, while caring for the environment:
* Plug energy leaks with weather stripping, caulking, and spray foam insulation – you can save 10 to 20 percent on heating/cooling bills and make your home more comfortable. An added benefit is that it can keep insects and rodents out of your home.
* Be sure your house in insulated properly. Visit for guidance on suggested insulation levels for your home. Adding more insulation when it is needed can pay for itself quickly and make your home more comfortable.
* Clean or change filters regularly. A dirty furnace or air conditioning filter will slow airflow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool.
* Install a programmable thermostat to save up to 10 percent on cooling and heating costs.
* Wash clothes in cold water when possible. Heating water for laundry uses far more energy than using cold water. By using cold water to wash clothes, you can save more than $50 every year in energy costs. Stay aware of your water consumption and maybe decrease the number of washes per week.
* Use energy-efficient light bulbs including LEDs to reduce energy use. LED lights use up to 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs while lasting up to 25 times longer.
* Turn off all lights, appliances and electronics not in use. Better still, use a power strip and turn off devices and lights that are not in use to cut standby power, to save $100 a year on your electricity bill.
* As temperatures drop, make sure you have winterized your water hydrants to avoid unwanted repair costs.
* Leaky toilets………since the water flows down the sewer, leaking toilets don't necessarily leave any signs of a leak, until you get the bill. The average leaky toilet can waste about 200 gallons of water per day. That's over 6,000 gallons a month for just one leaking toilet!
“We know that using energy and water wisely to lower monthly utility bills is important to Willow Springs residents,” said Beverly Hicks, City Administrator. “While we are sharing these tips during Public Power Week, we hope our community will keep an eye on energy efficiency and water conservation all year round.”
Today, Willow Springs City Utilities has 20 employees that take care of water, sewer, streets, electric, and wastewater, serving 2100 customers. Hicks added, “We take pride in serving our friends and neighbors with some of our most essential needs for our hometown.”