Willow Springs Public Library Summer Reading Program begins June 18
Wed, 05/29/2024 - 11:41am
Summer is almost here, and that means summer reading program at Willow Springs Public Library.
We have some exciting things planned for “Adventure Begins At Your Library.” The fun starts June 18 and continues for 6 weeks with weekly story and activity times for preschool and kinder at 10:30am on Tuesdays followed by reading adventure times for elementary ages at 11:00 a.m.
Kids will explore nature, art, travel, and imagination. We’re making “elephant toothpaste” and “bristle bots” (among other things) as we learn and create together. Participants will enjoy a library movie night showing Disney-Pixar’s UP on June 21 because “adventure is out there!”
On June 25, the library is excited to host Cygnet Brown, local author of Gourmet Weeds as she teaches about the wild plants we can eat right in our back yards. Get your copy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. We’ll have a book-signing and informal author Q&A at 12:00 noon.
Teens are invited to compete in the reading contest, bring friends by any time for themed games and side-quests, and they can sign up for the Multiverse Escape Room on July 8. We’ll even adventure beyond the library with a tour of the Round Spring Cave on July 16 or parents can opt to stay closer to home with a little “spelunking” and cave science at the library.
Registration is open now through June 18. The reading contest is open to ages 3-17. If the Tuesday adventure times don’t work for your family’s schedule, there will be self-directed activities all week to go along with the theme: board games, science kits, art and craft projects, and a curated selection of books for quick and easy checkout. For more summer reading details, visit willowspringslibrary.org or stop by the library to register and pick up a schedule.
The Library is also participating in the McDonald’s Happy McReaders program. No registration required. Kids can pick up a punch card at the library June through August. When they complete the card by reading 10 books at their reading level, they can redeem it at McDonald’s for a free Happy Meal then pick up a new punch card to earn another – all summer long!
Mark your calendars and save the dates. This summer, Adventure Begins at Your Library and you don’t want to miss it!