Dear Editor,
Wed, 12/01/2021 - 12:36pm
I’m writing to let you know that I’ve encountered one of America’s main problems right here in Willow Springs MO. You published an opinion of mine where I mentioned the irregularities of our election last November. More states are now looking closely at those results, they are finding that ballots have no receipts, 70 or 80 ballots from the same address of a single-family home, thousands more votes than voters in a county, and also a record number of dead people voting. Those things are being found in more than one State. There is plenty of fraud and cheating which has been discovered to date, and now Wisconsin is thinking about de-certifying their election results. Much is in question, and the mainstream media isn’t reporting these things because they are as corrupt as the election officials are in many high population states.
These are facts which some refuse to believe, or just choose to ignore. I only wish our citizens here, and in every other state would demand transparency. This is our country that is in peril, and far too many sit on their duffs and do nothing.
The reason I’m writing is to let you know I received a postcard with the following message.
“Do you know how many adjudicated cases of voter fraud have happened in the history of MO? The answer is 0, nada, none. Please stop spreading lies.”
It was unsigned , so I have no idea if the reader thought about, and really read what I wrote. They should have understood that it isn’t just Missouri I’m concerned about. What happens in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and other States, can nullify any number of electoral votes in Missouri, and other States. Oh, I believe our Missouri Reps will do their jobs honestly, but my point is simple. Missouri’s Reps can vote honestly all day long, and their votes can be erased by a cheating state, or states. That isn’t the America I want, and I take offense when people are so complacent about our elections, national or local. There’s been a lot of blood spilled on our nation’s behalf by our military. They didn’t die so that lazy and ill-informed citizens could allow America to be destroyed by those who lust for power, or hate our country.
To my shy correspondent, please consider what I’m saying, America isn’t Missouri, and Missouri is only 1 out of 50 States which make up America. All national elections need to be transparent, and I for one would support charges of treason against wide spread voter fraud. But folks these days don’t seem to value what we have here, and that is a problem too.
Troy Galebach, Willow Springs