Police Blotters

Citations January 31 Ryan Carl Pitts, Ash Flat, Ark., speeding 11-15 over Jonathan Pitts, speeding 11-15 over Emily Inman, Salem, speeding 11-15 over Lockett Clemiteen, Springfield, speeding 16-19 over Heather Sue Boswell, West Plains, driving while revoked or suspended February 1...
Arrests January 27 Penny Lynn Powell, 55, property damage – first degree January 29 Michael Doughty, 38, failure to appear Jennifer Nicole Steed, 47, domestic assault – third degree January 30 Austin Kelly, 28, driving while intoxicated, resisting arrest January 31 Richard...
Arrests January 28 Ethan Tyler Bishop, 22, failure to appear Jason E Draheim, 38, possession of child pornography - second or subsequent offense or possess more than 20 pictures or one film/video Justin Wayne Bryson, 39, commit January 29 Dillon Leedale Stokes, 27, resisting or...
Citations January 24 David Michael Neidow, Olive Branch, Miss., speeding 11-15 over Christopher Olwig, Saint Louis, speeding 11-15 over Richard Runnells, Willow Springs, assault January 25 Clifford Jones, Winona, failure to register vehicle Micah Elizabeth Thompson, Salem, Ark.,...
Arrests January 20 Gabriel Anthony Kuskie, 27, no valid license Mike Edward John Scranlin, 47, disorderly conduct, fail to obey lawful order, failure to appear (two counts), trespassing (two counts) January 21 Sharon Young, 55, endangering welfare of a child – second degree January 22...
Citations January 17 Haley Schexnider, 22, Crane, speeding 16-19 over Jensih Patel, 29, Hicksville, NY, speeding 6-10 over Rebecca Barks, 56, Mountain View, failure to show proof of insurance January 18 Mason Vandevort, 29, Mountain View, dog at large January 20 Louis Miranda, 27...
Arrests January 20 Luis Alberto Miranda, 26, driving while intoxicated, operate vehicle on highway without a valid license – second offense, operated a motor vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner Tasha Ann Collins, 45, unlawfully receiving public assistance benefits/EBT card Joseph...
Citations January 16 Robert Alex McDaniel, Willow Springs, driving while revoked or suspended, operate vehicle without maintaining financial responsibility  January 17 Joseph Richard Walker, Cape Girardeau, speeding 11-15 over Joseph Browder, Dixon, speeding 11-15 over J. K., Cabool,...
Arrests January 14 Daniel C Neikes, 39, assault – first degree, unlawful use of a weapon – exhibiting  Curtis Ray Walton, 67, 24 hour hold January 15 Trampas Dean Reynolds, 47, assault – second degree January 16 David Lucas Murdy, 36, failure to appear Carrie Elizabeth Carver,...
Arrests January 13 Tapanga Lavell Hahn, 28, property damage – first degree, stealing – misdemeanor  January 14 Daniel Christopher Neikes, 39, unlawful use of a weapon Rjshad Barsotlow Gonzales, 33, failure to appear – misdemeanor (two counts) Dalton Neal Thompson, domestic assault –...


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