2022 West Plains Chamber of Commerce Banquet and Awards Chamber Business of the Year: 2022's business of the year is Ozarks Healthcare. Left to right: Bob Eckman, Dr. Charles Morgan, David Snodgras, Kevin Gleghorn, Rep. Travis Smith, Jack Bates, Dr. Priscilla Frase, David M. Gohn, Dr. Praveen Datar, Ken Joplin, Nichole Cook, and Josh Reeves. The award was presented by the Chamber's John Plummer. Outgoing Chairman of the West Plains Chamber of Commerce John Plummer (Simmons Bank) passes the gavel to incoming Chairman Joe Kammerer (Community Foundation of the Ozarks). Lifetime Achievement Award: John Plummer presents to Jimmy Thompson. Educator of the Year: Eric Gibson presents Barbara Caton of MSU-West Plains. Customer Service Award: Judy Ogden presents to Charlie Wharton of Bartlett Moving Services. Humanitarian of the Year Award: Joe Kammerer presents to Robin Morgan. Volunteer of the Year Award: Lana Snodgras presents to Bryan Adock. Citizen of the Year Award: Joe Kammerer presents to Paula Speraneo of the West Plains Council on the Arts. City Beautification Award: John Harris is the inaugural winner of this award. It was presented by John Plummer. Honorary Members for Life: Judy Ogden presents the award to Jack & Inez Pahlmann.