2022 Willow Springs Christmas parade in pictures Dawn Sigman of MFA is dressed as a solider away from home on Christmas. Craig Bennett as Santa Claus gets a ride on an Eleven Point firetruck. The cast and supporters of Clara’s Star, a play by Holly Wehmer, are ready to roll out. Front row, from left: Heidi Wehmer, Kim Rich, Deborah Kyano, Raegan Duncan, Bella Grogan, Mandy Grogan, Daniel Iacovlev, Vivienne Iacovleva, Holly Wehmer, and Robert Hollis. Back row, John Bailey, Braiden DeWitt, Blake Hendricks, Otto Schutte, and Oscar Schutte. Not pictured: Amelia DeLuna. The Willow Springs Bruin Band marches through the dusk in Saturday’s Christmas parade. The parade winds towards downtown from Booster Field. 2022 Miss and Mr. Merry Christmas are Sklyer Little and Hudson Brower. Dakota Tucker and Will Clarkston of the Color Guard pause for a photo before marching in the parade. Kara Ojeda with son Easton, Shelby Gray and Robert Gray of Vintage Floral are decked out and bundled up for the parade.