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Art display at OZSBI featuring the artwork of Ann Kulpa

Local artist Ann Kulpa's artwork will be featured on OzSBI's first floor from the beginning of October through the end of December 2023. The West Plains Council on the Arts (WPCA) and Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) have partnered to bring quarterly art displays to the incubator. Visitors may view the display at the incubator during OzSBI's business hours, anytime between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
WPCA Coordinator Janey Hale describes the works, "Ann Kulpa gives the viewer multiple layers in her collages. It's worth your time to pause and explore the various media, textural components, and use of color to create nonrepresentational art."
Kulpa is a self-taught creative who has been working on her art since she was a child. She has lived in Cabool for 20 years with her husband. Ann lived in Colorado for many years before moving to the Ozarks. In Colorado, Ann competed in juried art shows earning numerous awards and accepting commission work as a portrait artist and mural painter. While living in Cabool she discovered the creative process of Digital Art Painting. She became very involved in digital work for years while continuing her work in Photography, Pencil, and Pen & Ink drawings on the side. Using these mediums, she has won awards in juried art shows in this area. Because of her interest in the process of creating intuitively, in 2022 Ann returned to the form of abstract art that she loved to create as a child. In the last two years she has enrolled in several educational courses which she is using as a springboard in creating her multi-media, multi-layered, intuitive artwork. As she develops this art form, she hopes to introduce portraiture into her work. "I am enjoying this challenging process which is much like working a creative puzzle. The intuitive nature of creating in this way means I am always surprised throughout the process," says Kulpa.
A Meet-the-Artist event will be held on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in OzSBI's lobby at 408 Washington Ave., in West Plains. The public is invited to attend to meet Kulpa and view and discuss the pieces on display.
For more information about the exhibit, contact Madison Sutterfield at OzSBI or WPCA Coordinator Janey Hale at       
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