Tue, 08/15/2023 - 3:29pm
West Plains Council on the Arts (WPCA) has issued a call for submissions for their juried exhibits "Deck the Halls" as well as the exhibit to be displayed during the 2024 eclipse celebration in West Plains. WPCA will host "Deck the Halls" from November 18 through December 16, and the eclipse exhibit March 30 through May 4, 2024, in the Gallery at the Center, West Plains Civic Center. Both exhibits are open to 2D and 3D artists.
"Deck the Halls" is the opportunity for you to showcase what your holiday celebration means to you. Fall and winter holidays are wonderful times for decorating and creating memories. This is a call for artists to share their memories through their work. Deadline for entries is October 15.
The eclipse exhibit will feature "all things above" – artwork created during or representing an eclipse, night skies, or other skyward representations to help celebrate during the Party in the Path West Plains Eclipse Celebration April 5-8, 2024. Deadline for entries is March 1, 2024.
Area artists and makers are encouraged to email photos of up to five (5) proposed works to info@westplainsarts.org by the deadlines to be considered.
-2-D and 3-D pieces accepted
-16"x20" maximum size of 2-D works, unless waiver granted
-All media accepted – paintings, photographs, drawings, printmaking, pottery, gourd art, etc.
-Subject matter to fit the theme.
-2-D Pieces must be framed and/or ready to hang
The exhibits are co-sponsored by the West Plains Civic Center and West Plains Council on the Arts, with partial funding provided by Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.