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Willow Springs Band Program receives $5,000 grant

The Willow Springs School District Band Program recently received a grant check for $5,000 due to the efforts of one of the district's recent graduates, Luke Mansfield. As part of Mansfield's Senior Project, he applied for grants to help the band program. Mansfield is a 2024 graduate of Willow Springs High School.
For the project, Mansfield applied for grants to help the district's band program. As a result, the district received a letter and a $5,000 check from the Willard & Pat Walker Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The letter reads, "We are pleased to inform you that our Foundation Board recently approved partial funding in the amount of $5,000 to the Willow Springs School District. Funds are designated toward the purchase of instruments for students that cannot afford them. A check in the amount of $5,000 is enclosed."
"I am very happy about the results of the Walker Charitable Foundation Grant", stated Mansfield. "I look forward to seeing the positive effects of this extra funding and cannot wait to see the numerous opportunities created for kids who aspire to join band but are financially burdened. I hope the success of this grant enlightens upcoming seniors to take on tasks, and projects, that serve and benefit their community. I would like to thank my family for their support and especially my mentor Dean Aye. His unwavering help and support helped me write the most compelling grant possible. Thank you all and go Irish!"
The Willow Springs School District would like to thank the Willard & Pat Walker Charitable Foundation for the donation.
The district would also like to thank Luke Mansfield for the work he put in to get these funds for the school. Mansfield is currently attending the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
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