
L to R; Kasea Ellett (Loan Secretary), Darlene Nicholson (Teller/New Accounts), and Christina Murphy (Teller/New Accounts)
Banking is back in Birch Tree Missouri. lt is with great excitement from the Combs Family and Alton Bank to join the Birch Tree community. Bank Of BirchTree- Branch of Alton Bankwill be located at 7828 State Rt. FF in Birch Tree, MO.  The Combs family says they know what a small town means to...
To help mitigate some of the unexpected operational challenges created by the COVID-19 state of emergency, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has suspended the training-hours requirements through June 15 for certified operators of public drinking water systems, wastewater systems, and...
Ozarks Medical Center (OMC) Thrift Store reopened on May 6 with restrictions. An occupancy limit of 30 with a six-foot distancing between customers' requirement is being implemented, especially at the register and when donating at the garage.  These precautions will make it easier to keep cross...


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