Plan your Fourth of July Weekend in Willow Springs

Downtown Block Party July 3
Main Street Willow Springs, in partnership with the Faith Based Community, will host the First Annual Free Community Dinner. 
Join them for a Summer Block Party on July 3 in downtown Willow Springs from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be food, music, and games for kids at no cost, but volunteer workers and donations, graciously accepted. To help or for more information, please call 417-252-3013 or email 
Fourth of July Parade July 4
Organizers are saying this parade will be “the best Fourth of July parade ever held” on Saturday, July 4 at 10:00 a.m. Line up begins at 9:00am at the Booster Field in Willow Springs. Church vehicles, classic cars and trucks, horse & buggies, golf carts, civil/social clubs, school organizations, acrobats, and all kinds of performers are welcome.
Historic characters are needed to celebrate America’s 244th birthday as a free nation and the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment which gave women voting rights. Historical figures at this time include Lori Coulter Evins as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Kyle Ralston as John Wayne, Terry Young as Lucy Stone, Mac Gum as Abraham Lincoln, Linda Grant as Susan B. Anthony, Alyssa Grogan as Pocahontas,  Ashtin Grogan (TBA), Andrea McNew as Lucretia Mott, Jane Bailey as Alice Paul, and Tina Beaulieu as Benjamin Franklin.
There will be a patriotic program immediately following the parade beginning at 11:00am at the Star Theatre. Admission is free. Live music will be provided by Wendy and Ed Cline and several other musicians. For more information, contact Wendell 252-0230 or Jane 469-2588.
Smoke-Off Competition and Fireworks July 5
First General Baptist Church will host a Smoke-Off Competition and fireworks show on July 5 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Contestants will smoke pork butt and chicken quarters for the competition to help feed the crowd. Meat is provided by the church. All smoking must be done on-site that day. 
Dinner will be served at 7:00, and fireworks will start at dark. Bring a lawn chair for seating. 
To enter the smoke-off, call 417-252-0916. Prizes are $150 for First Prize, $100 for Second Prize, and $50 for Third Prize.

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