Community Events

There will be a curbside pickup meal at the Willow Springs Senior Center on Thursday, September 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The meal will consist of meatloaf, potatoes, green beans, a hot roll, dessert, and bottled water.
Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities and the City of Willow Springs will host a ribbon cutting at the newly completed skate park in American Legion Park on September 18 at 3:30 p.m.
Main Street Willow Springs will participate in training furnished by the My Community Matters grant on September 23 and 24. Brand specialists will meet with city leaders and business owners on the subject of supporting sustainable economic development in the downtown area. All stakeholders in the...
The Willow Springs Saddle Club will hold its monthly horse show on September 12, at 4:00 p.m. at the Willow Springs Saddle Club arena on Valley Street in Willow Springs.  This is a fun show for all ages with both judged and timed events.  Call Sally Hickman at 417-274-0894 if you have questions.
The “reverse” parade, one in which the spectators throw candy at the paraders, originally scheduled for September 13 to celebrate Grandparents’ Day at Willow Care, has been cancelled.  “In an effort to keep our residents safe, we regrettably have to cancel our grandparents’ day parade,” read a...
WiFi, internet access, and computers are available at the Mountain View Public Library at no charge to assist parents to access virtual learning for their child. Call ahead to reserve a time for your child to study online. 417-934-6154.
MUNCH in Willow Springs is offering everything in the store at a discount of 50% beginning September 2 and lasting until September 30. For more information, contact the store at 417-469-3221.
The Mountain View, Missouri VFW Post 3009 located at 1503 North Y Highway invites the public to watch and learn how the American flag is properly retired and disposed of at a flag retirement on Saturday, September 12 at 4:00 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair for the ceremony. For...
The Mountain View Senior Center will host a fish and turkey fry on September 11, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Choose either fried fish or deep fried turkey for a cost of $7. Enjoy slaw, brown beans, cornbread, and dessert with your choice of entrée.  Meals will be drive-through at the Mountain View...
Hot lunches will be available for pick up at the Willow springs Senior Center on September 9 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. Lunch includes an open face roast beef sandwich, mashed potato, green bean, dessert and bottle of water. The suggested donation is $3.50 for ages over 60 and $6.00 for under...


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