City of Mountain View - East Ward Alderman (one-year term)
Tue, 03/26/2024 - 4:09pm
There is one seat available. Voters should choose one of the below candidates for a one-year term filling the seat vacated by Steven Sills.
Vicki Carr, appearing on ballot
1. What is your background, and how can your background help you govern the City of Mountain View?
I grew up in Mountain View. I have a deep understanding and love of the people and the community. The recent changes, or lack of changes, in the area are in desperate need of research. Given the opportunity to serve the people as councilwoman, I intend to investigate what has been happening within our municipality in order to move forward and help Mountain View grow.
2. What are duties of an alderman/woman?
My understanding is that the duties of a councilperson are centered around communication. Communication with citizens, city employees, elected officials, citizen groups, business owners and the press are key to an effective council person. I intend to enroll in continuing education offered through the Missouri Municipal League to further my understanding of all aspects of this position.
3. What do you think the number one problem the City of Mountain View is facing?
The number one problem we have is the lack of communication with the public. As I walk through town and talk with the people, they are concerned about our future. The people of Mountain View want to know what is going on behind the brick walls of City Hall. Why haven't the projects been completed as promised? What is being done to encourage businesses to our town? The people want to know. They'd like to show up to the meetings but are afraid due to the animosity of the current administration.
4. How do you see yourself functioning as a member of this particular administration?
Regardless of personal feelings, I will do everything within my power to work with my fellow elected officials to bring progress to our town.
5. Do you think the City of Mountain View needs a city administrator? Why or why not?
The City of Mountain View needs a city administrator. If a City Administrator were currently in place, we would not have the issues with a lack of transparency from the elected officials and city employees that we currently have. If one full-time employee, whose job was performance based, were in place, the people and elected officials would have a clear path to information requested on the business of running our city.
6. What do you think about the city’s spending/budget in 2023? What could they improve?
I'm certain that there are adjustments that need to be made. However, without access to records from previous years for comparison, I cannot evaluate 2023's finances.
David Bauer, appearing on ballot
1. What is your background, and how can your background help you govern the City of Mountain View?
Retired veteran, welder/pipefitter. Personal history, education, etc: graduated high school in 2012. Went to the oil fields until around 2015 up in North Dakota. Joined the Air Force in 2016 and got medically retired in 2021 due to an injury on duty. Moved back to the Mountain View area soon after married my beautiful wife Alyssa Bauer June 10, 2023.
I have years in the military, and managing my own businesses throughout my life, dealing and working with other individuals towards a common goal. I have very good communication skills, and I'm very open and determined to improve upon and make our community constituents as happy as possible.
2. What are duties of an alderman/woman?
No answer*
3. What do you think is the number one problem the City of Mountain View is facing?
One single issue that I think is a very critical issue to address in our community is public safety. I plan on addressing this by working closely along with the mayor and the police department to ensure that the department and services have the resources and training required to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.
4. How do you see yourself functioning as a member of this particular administration?
It has always been a dream of mine to get involved in my community on a political level. I am looking forward to learning and doing everything in my power to make our community better and safer place for our families.
5. Do you think the City of Mountain View needs a city administrator? Why or why not?
No answer*
6. What do you think about the city’s spending/budget in 2023? What could they improve?
No answer*
*Publisher’s note: Mr. Bauer returned answers that seem to belong to a different questionnaire than the one we sent. After several attempts to correct the mishap, we have matched his answers as closely as possible to the questions we asked all alderman candidates. Some information is missing because the information provided did not touch on these topics.