Holiday-packed Saturday in Willow Springs

This Saturday will feature a full day of Christmas festivities in Willow Springs.
>Pancakes with Santa and the Grinch (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.)
The Willow Springs Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce join forces to serve a pancake breakfast at the Lions Clubhouse (2532 CR 5800). Six dollars buys pancakes, sausage, and a drink. Bring a camera for pictures with Santa and the Grinch!
>Christmas Cookie Decorating Event (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Decorate cookies at Ozarks Sweetest Bakeshop for $10 per child. The cost include four cookies, frosting, decorations, and hot cocoa. 
>Get your Great Christmas Giveaway Tickets (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Stop by the Howell County News office to turn in your receipts from the participating sponsors in the Great Christmas Giveaway. For every $10 you spend locally, receive a sweepstakes ticket for your chance to win $500 in shopping money, plus weekly $50 prizes. No purchase is necessary – each household can claim one ticket per week. Just stop in and ask! For more details, see pages 6 & 7. 
>Santa and Friends (12 p.m. to 4 p.m.)
Santa Claus and friends will be downtown at the Star Theatre Annex.
>Christmas Wreath Fundraiser and Contest (12 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
The Willow Springs Arts Council is hosting their Christmas wreath contest and auction again this year. Wreaths have been on display at the Ferguson Building since Nov. 23. The wreaths will be auctioned in a silent auction on Dec. 7 to support the Arts Council. Winners of the auction will be notified by phone and can pick up their wreaths at the Ferguson Building on Monday, Dec. 9.
>2024 Christmas Parade (5 p.m.)
The Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce presents their annual lighted parade. This year’s theme is Super Hero Christmas. Line up begins at 4 p.m. at Booster Field. Registration is required to participate in the parade. 
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Willow Springs, MO 65793

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