The Mountain View Garden Club gets its hands dirty during the January meeting
Tue, 02/04/2025 - 3:46pm
The Mountain View Garden Club held its January meeting at the Mountain View Community Center on January 22. Members who enjoy the extra time to chat gathered at noon to enjoy their lunches together. President Robi Tanner called the meeting together at 1:00 p.m. Guests, Ruth Smith and Robin Robertson, were welcomed. Erma Martin passed around this year's Onion Order sheet. Changes to the Yearbook were announced and the 2025 annual Convention in April was discussed. Judy Rhine led an exercise that emphasized the importance of our breathing correctly.
Following a quick break to enjoy refreshments, the group set up the meeting room for the Mudball Party. Donning work gloves the program leaders, Judy Rhine and Hilary Connolly, showed the club how to mix the clay soil/potting mix with the native flower seeds and water in the tubs to obtain a proper consistency for making the mudballs. Once that was done, small balls, about the size of golf balls, were formed and placed in egg cartons. With their gloves on the group made over 500 of these "Mudballs". These were stored to dry. In the early spring, they will be thrown onto the slopes of the highway where they will bloom. This will not only will help with erosion, but add to enjoyment of the residents and travelers using the town's highways.
The club's February meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the Community Room of the Mountain View Public Library. Marty Toll will be the program leader for "Garden Design", where she will guide the club through designing a garden that will attract more pollinators to gardens. The Garden Hint for February is to plant lettuce and spinach. It is also the time to erect new Bluebird houses.
The Mountain View Garden Club is a member of the South Central District of the Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri, Inc., the Central Region Garden Clubs and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Please visit the club's Facebook page to get more information about the club and its events and to enjoy the many photos that are posted: