Mountain View Garden Club June Meeting
Thu, 07/29/2021 - 4:16pm
The MV Garden Club started it's June 23rd meeting with a dedication. GC President Mary West and members Connie Stone, Hilary Connolly, Judy Rhine, Eve Conklin and Jessica Smith (not pictured) met at the MV Library to place the dedication stone for Jane McLaughlin in front of the Serviceberry Bush that had been planted to honor her many years of dedicated service to the community. Jane joined the club in 1991, she spends more time traveling now but joins us when she can. Following the dedication the members travelled to Thomasville, to the home of Brenda Bell, who showed the group how to make a Concrete Leaf Mold. It will take a couple of months for them to cure, but we will return later to finish the project.
Lunch was the next order of business. The group stopped in Thomasville at the R & R Restaurant and Lodge. They enjoyed the rustic decor, had a yummy lunch and chatted with owner Tracey Renfrow.