Summer Fun at Mountain View Public Library
Thu, 07/29/2021 - 4:01pm
Beth Smith, Library Director
The Mountain View Public Library had a lot of programs and good participation for summer reading. Participants in the Let it Grow children's gardening program planted watermelons, zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes.
Experiment with Science was held on Mondays. The children made Oobleck and discussed if it was a liquid or solid. The children hammered nails to design their own string art project. Engineering was put to the test by making mousetrap cars using mouse traps, CDs, and other supplies. Each car was able to roll.
Wyatt Dewick showed the children how to tie-dye using permanent markers and rubbing alcohol.
One science day, the kids made elephant toothpaste using peroxide, yeast, and food coloring.
Creative art time was once a week and the children painted and experimented with colors and designs.
Game day was a great time for the kids to be silly, have fun and enjoy the afternoon.
MO Stream Team provided stories and games to help children learn the importance of keeping our waterways clean and safe.
The children made posters about rivers and streams for the Stream Team's annual conference in Jefferson City.
The cooking class is always popular so it was extended an extra two weeks. Charlotte Smith was the instructor and taught the kids to make simple recipes they could make on their own. At the end of class, she gave each child their own apron that she had made for them.
A lot of reading took place with many prizes given out to the great readers.
As always the library schedules all programs for summer reading to accommodate both morning and afternoon schedules for kids and parents. The afternoon schedules start at 3:30 for any children that may want to participate but attend summer school.
A big thank you to the patrons who donated prizes, snacks, and supplies. The Friends of the Library provided funding for the cooking classes and the Mountain View Garden Club provided funding for gardening supplies.