West Plains City Council passes pair of bills during monthly meeting

The West Plains City Council met Monday, July 20, in regular session in the council chambers at City Hall.
The Council passed Bill 4688, which amends Chapter 28, Section 28-4 Interfering with Arrest, Section 28-5 False Impersonation, Section 28-119 Stealing. Chapter 44, Section 44-4 Display of State License Plate, Section 44-8 Clinging to Moving Vehicles and Section 44-89 Riding on Motorcycles.
West Plains Police Chief Stephen Monticelli stated at the meeting the amendments simply update the ordinances to match state recommendations. You can find the City’s Code of Ordinances here.
The Council then passed Bill 1143, authorizing the West Plains Civic Center Director Eryn Walters and West Plains Tourism Coordinator Melissa Wharton to negotiate and sign agreements for entertainment and talent acts on behalf of the City of West Plains.
"This Resolution will give us an opportunity to negotiate and possibly sign a significant talent act to West Plains, and in particular, to the Civic Center,” said West Plains Community Services Director Todd Shanks. “Many of those agreements occur very quickly and with no prior notice, and we now have the flexibility to bring in acts that our community will enjoy."
Walters added, “I am very excited about the opportunities that this resolution will allow us to bring to the area.”
During the meeting’s consent agenda Jessica McCollum was appointed to the Library Board for a three-year term and Eric Judd and Jim Laughary were re-appointed to the Civic Center Board for three-year terms.

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