W.P. woman arrested for stabbing boyfriend

A West Plains woman was arrested for a domestic incident on June 6 that left a man with multiple cuts. Jordan Alexandra Owens, 27, of West Plains, is charged with felony domestic assault in the second degree. She was released from jail on June 7 on a $10,000 surety bond and is to have no contact with the alleged victim.
West Plains Police were called to a residence on Myrtle Street in West Plains for a stabbing from a physical domestic incident on June 6, according to court documents. The victim told police that he and his girlfriend, Owens, were arguing as he attempted to gather his belongings when she began assaulting him. The victim accuses Owens in court documents of slapping his back, punching him in the jaw, intentionally smashing a ceramic bowl, and using a shard of the bowl to cut him on the left hip. He said he pushed her in self-defense.
Officers noted red marks on the victim's shoulders, a lengthy surface laceration on his right arm from the wrist to the elbow, and a three-inch laceration on his left hip. The police noted the cut showed characteristics of being inflicted with a jagged object in a downward motion.
In an interview with Owens by W.P.P.D., she admitted to physically assaulting the victim but was uncertain about causing the laceration, later admitting to wielding the ceramic shard, potentially causing injury to the victim.
Owens was scheduled for an initial court appearance on June 17 before Judge Robert D. Ray.
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