Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez

WSFD Fire Chief announced

At a unanimous vote from the Willow Springs Board of Aldermen, Andy Logan has been chosen as the new Willow Springs Fire Chief and code enforcement officer. 
Chair of the hiring committee, Dean Aye, said Logan is the candidate who showed, “a clearly superior management and strategic planning experience.”
According to Aye, the committee “easily” arrived at the unanimous decision to nominate Logan. He elaborated in a letter submitted to the board, “Mr. Logan has an impressive background in firefighting and also has extensive management and leadership experience in logistics. In the committee interviews, Mr. Logan showed more depth in his answers and clearly had thought about planning and executing a strategic operating plan.”
Serving on the hiring committee was Dean Aye, chair, alderwoman Jennifer Owens, Assistant Police Chief, and former state fire marshal investigator Ryan Boyle, Joe Blankenship, Susan Rackley, Robert Hollis, and John Martin. 
The aldermen asked no questions, and at a motion from Alderman Phill Knott, seconded by Jennifer Owens, they approved the hiring decision unanimously. 
Logan’s start date in the position is to be determined. 
The new fire chief addressed the meeting saying, “I’m really looking forward to working with all these guys and moving Willow Springs Fire forward.”
In other action:
>Captain Nick Tooley of Willow Springs Fire Department presented two firefighters with a commendation for meritorious actions on Dec. 8. 
>The board approved a proposal to remove mostly empty and noncompliant fuel tanks from the municipal airport. 
>The board approved the destruction of certain municipal records. 
In other discussion:
>City Administrator presented 2024 year in review reports and discussed 2025 goals by department. Overall goals include seeking grant funding, housing opportunities, and job growth.
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