
According to a press release from the Howell County Health Department, all five COVID-19 cases in the county are off isolation.  According to the most recent information available at press time, testing results in the county are as follow: Number tested: 431 Negative results: 418 Positive...
Prompting one of the largest gatherings of people in town for weeks, ABSeafood made an appearance in Willow Springs on Saturday, May 2. After announcing their intention to set up in the parking lot at Rustic Hummingbird Antiques and Collectables, they accepted advance orders for products such as...
Tye Ryan Duddridge, of Willow Springs, recently enlisted in the United States Army- 19 Delta Scout Division. Duddridge reported for duty at Fort Benning, GA Army Base on April 20. There, he will receive 22 weeks of extensive military training.  The Calvary Scout is responsible for being the “...
The City of Willow Springs announced in a press release on April 28 that the Eleven Point Fire Department will not host its annual fireworks show on July 4, 2020. Due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, the volunteer fire department plans to postpone the show to the fall. According to Fire...
Bootlegger’s BBQ in West Plains teamed up with Operation BBQ Relief to hand out 10,000 bar-be-cue meals in ten days in and around Howell County during the coronavirus crisis. Owner/operators Brian and Jessica Staack began the challenge on April 27, and handed out 2,650 meals that day alone. Since...
3/31/20 Trenton and Hailey Bush of Mountain View are the parents of a baby boy, Callum Reed, born February 17 at 8:40 p.m. at Ozarks Medical Center (OMC). He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long. His grandparents are Greg and Jamie Buckner, Winona; Roy and LaShawna Renegar,...
On April 7, fire departments from Birch Tree, Mountain View, and Winona responded to a brush fire burning out of control on Highway FF. The landowners identified themselves as off-grid homesteaders. According to one resident on the scene, the fire started as a cookfire that rapidly spread in high...
 Joel Hinds, Aaron Good, Scott Williamson, David Cox (in back), and Dennis Walton leading the worship. (photo credit: Amy Hinds)
In a year unlike any other, churches in Willow Springs stood empty on Easter Sunday. Undaunted, Christians would not allow the day to pass without a gathering designed to provide an opportunity for fellowship and worship while maintaining a safe distance among the participants.  Instead of...
Jason Guidry participating in Carry the Cross by Shepherds Table church. (photo credit: Braden Marriott)
As of April 11, in the state of Missouri there were 4,024 positive cases of the COVID-19 virus, four of which are in Howell County. 109 Missourians have died from the virus. It comes as no surprise that the annual Carry the Cross event, which normally lines the local highways with Christians...
Firefighters attempt to quench the fire that consumed this trailer house in Peace Valley (photo credit: Braden Marriott)
Electrical issues are the suspected cause of a fire that resulted in the total loss of a trailer house on County Road 2540 in Peace Valley on the afternoon of April 10. At around 1:00 p.m., the call went out for fire departments from Peace Valley, Pomona, and Mountain View.  Peace Valley Fire...


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