'Lunch With Art' to feature Rebekah McKinney, Kathleen Morrissey, Greg Carter
Tue, 02/04/2025 - 2:02pm
The West Plains Council on the Arts (WPCA) will host their quarterly "Lunch with Art" event for the public on Monday, Feb. 10, from 12:00 noon until 1:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the West Plains Public Library, located at 750 West Broadway, West Plains, Mo. Information on upcoming arts activities will be discussed by Arts Alliance members, then presenters will be Rebekah McKinney, Director of Library Services – MSU West Plains, representing Ozarks Heritage Research Center (OHRC), Kathleen Morrissey, President, West Plains Council on the Arts and Greg Carter, Director of West Plains Public Library.
Topic will be "African American Read-In (AARI)," a program sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English and features African American authors.
The cost of the luncheon is $10.00 for WPCA members, and $15.00 for non-members. Reservations may be made online through the Lunch with Art Facebook event page, by texting Paula at 417-293-2325, or via email info@westplainsarts.org. Attendance is limited, so reserve your spot early.