Dear Editor,
Wed, 10/30/2024 - 1:39pm
Why VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 6? This should have never gone on the ballot. I really believe it is unethical. The United States government is the largest employer in the United States. The state governments also receive taxpayer funds to assist in the implementation of those state-funded positions.
Our law enforcement is among these positions. A surcharge on traffic tickets and court costs has already been voted UNCONSTITUTIONAL by our MO Supreme Court, "It is not right for anyone to profit from doing their jobs at the expense of the people they are serving."
The more tickets law enforcement writes or people they arrest, increases their pensions whether a person is innocent or guilty, and you pay for it. Law enforcement already receives a pension.
This is unethical and dishonest and should never be part of our constitution. Law enforcement pension funds should not come from this route.
It also opens the door for other state positions to go on the ballot and have surcharges which We The People will have to pay. Our taxes already pay for these positions.
We should always encourage and support our law enforcement but surcharges on you through tickets & court costs are not the way to increase pensions. We already pay taxes.
L. Beasley, Summersville