The Second Regular Session of the 101st General Assembly has come to a close. The Senate ended legislative activity Thursday evening with the approval of a new congressional redistricting map. All told, we passed more than 60 separate pieces of legislation, including 19 appropriations bills. In...
At the Missouri Capitol, spring session has come to a close. The Governor may call a special session this summer, but no decision has been made. As previously mentioned and because of a very small group in the Senate, there were fewer bills passed this year. Here are a few bills that passed...
This column was inspired by a discussion with Missouri Independent Reporter Rudi Keller the day after the 2022 legislative session adjourned.
We reminisced about earlier years when there seemed to be a more intense focus on the specific details of public policy rather than ideology and pondered...
This week a friend asked a complex question with multiple parts. So, let's look at their inquiry to see if we can answer.
Question: "If it's true that a sin separates your soul from God (only if the sinner knows it is a sin and chooses to do it anyway), what about folks who reject the concept...
Hello Howell County!
With the rain and the cold keeps hanging on making maintaining the counties 1,060 miles of roads very challenging.
The Commission has been busy with all the various boards that we sit on locally and regionally. It keeps us busy to keep Howell County moving forward. ...
Amos 8:11 The time is surely coming, says the Sovereign LORD, when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the LORD.
A friend mentioned this week that they have read the Bible completely through from front to back. They especially enjoy the...
On Saturday, May 7, Good Graces Pharmacy enjoyed a wonderful and fun day at our annual Friends & Family Cookout! We want to thank the community for such a great turnout for food, show cars, and friendship all while thanking God for such wonderful weather. It was a busy weekend with Willow...
Hebrews 13:5 ...God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
This past week I was humbly honored to conduct the funeral for one of my childhood buddies. When he and I were little, the two of us attended church together at the old Mountain View Assembly of God. We knew each...
Genesis 19:14-15 (Septuagint) And Lot went out, and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters, and said, Rise up, and depart out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city; but he seemed to be speaking absurdly before his sons-in-law. 15 But when it was morning, the...
I have lived in or around Willow Springs for the last 18 years. In that time I have had many dealings with the city’s numerous departments, and my comments are regarding my interaction with the City of Willow Springs and the
departments it manages.
In every instance I was treated...