Dear Editor-
I'm writing about the Direct Support Crisis happening in our state.
I'm a mom of a son who receives developmental disability services from Easterseals Midwest. Right now, organizations like Easterseals are in a staffing crisis that only the Missouri General Assembly can...
Dear Editor:
There is a general call for unity after the attempted coup at our nation's capitol. Creating unity needs to start with our Republican elected officials jointly signing a statement that renounces "the big lie." Instead we have a few Republican elected officials continuing to support...
It would be an obvious understatement to say that 2020 was a strange year for the Greater West Plains Chamber of Commerce but I am going to say it anyway – 2020 was a strange year! The pandemic has had a tremendous impact on everyone. COVID-19 took lives, damaged businesses, and disrupted things...
Two years ago, I launched a renewed effort to fight fraud and abuse in government by creating the Public Corruption and Fraud Division in my office. In every corner of the state, we've shown that exposing wrongdoing by public officials not only helps recover tax dollars for citizens, it puts...
Missouri’s Constitution requires the governor to inform the General Assembly about the state of the government at the beginning of each legislative session, but it does not say how he must do it. This year, the traditional joint-session normally held in the House chamber was canceled, due to...
This week marks the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court's devastating decision on Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion throughout our country. In the years following the court's misguided ruling, more than 60 million innocent lives have been lost - more than the entire population of the State...
Mere minutes after Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the nation's 46th President, he was already busy signing a tall stack of executive orders and directives. These new policies ranged across a broad swath of federal policy, from repealing travel bans to mandating masks on federal property.
On Wednesday, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, he pledged unity, stating, “I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.” Those are fine words, but the proof is always in the pudding. We got our answer a few...
The following was written as an open letter from Tom Keller, Ozarks Healthcare President and CEO, to community members on January 14, 2021:
As COVID-19 cases continue to impact our hospital, we are seeing hope in the first round of vaccines being administered throughout Missouri.
Dear Editor,
I confess I never liked Donald Trump. I was astounded when he tried to convince us all, without evidence, that Obama was not born in this country.
I was disgusted when he disdained a genuine war hero, John McCain, for daring to be held as a prisoner of war for 5 years. McCain, a...