Howell County Sheriff’s Office
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 4:54pm
August 21
Phillip Ray Bea, 31, failure to appear – felony
Kami Alicia Croney, 39, stealing
Carrie Elizabeth Carver, 42, probation violation
August 22
Kyla Nachelle Pribble, 33, domestic assault – fourth degree
Michael James Brown, 45, 24-hour hold
Makenzie Lane Smith, 25, failure to appear – felony
Stephanie Kay Stevens, 44, stealing motor vehicle
David Tyler Kerley, 28, 24-hour hold
August 24
Haili M Marcak, 29, damage to jail property, stealing
Kevin Gene Parsley, 42, armed criminal action, kidnapping – first degree, probation violation
Gary Allen Burk, 40, child molestation - second deg - aggravated sex offense - child less than17 years of age- offender more than 4 years older
August 25
Crystal Dawn Shelton, 48, 24-hour hold pending charges
Dottie Ann Estabrook, 41, failure to appear – felony
Elena Rose Hober, 30, 48-hour commit
Robert Paul Besse, Sr, 46, 72-hour commit
Keith Michael Rinker, 30, 48-hour commit
August 26
Danny Monroe Welch, 58, resisting/interfering with arrest for a felony, unlawful possession of a firearm (two counts)
Staci Renee Margheim, 50, assault - 1st degree or attempt - serious physical injury or special victim (two counts), resisting arrest/detention/stop by fleeing - creating substantial risk of injury/death
August 26
Jessica Dawn Tilson, 44, 24-hour hold
August 27
Trampas Dean Reynolds, 46, assault- fourth degree, sexual misconduct – first degree - first offense
August 28
Shawn Michael Clark, 34, probation violation
Calls for Service
August 21
Corporal Seth Smith received a report of a suspicious vehicle on County Road 6390, West Plains. Investigation found the vehicle to be stolen out of Springfield, MO.
Deputy Jacob Hamby received a report of a disturbance between three individuals on County Road 6070, West Plains. He arrested the suspect and placed them on a 24-hour hold pending formal charges.
Deputy Tessa Jens spoke with a subject at a residence on County Road 9790 in reference to a runaway juvenile.
Deputy Timothy Gordon, responded to ODC Road 1060, Pomona for a report of an ongoing physical domestic issue. Investigation found that both of the individuals assaulted the other. He arrested both subjects. Formal charges are pending.
August 22
Deputy Dakota Millard responded to Mountain View for a report of a burglary. He gathered images of the scene.
Deputy D. Millard responded to State Route 17, West Plains for a report of stealing. He spoke with an employee of the business and gathered evidence.
August 23
Deputy Melanie Roam received a report of a verbal disturbance on County Road 6140, Dora. Neither party wished to pursue charges.
Deputy Roam received a report of a dog bite on Private Road 8882. The investigation will continue.
August 24
Deputy Roam received a report of a runaway juvenile on State Route KK, Pottersville. She located the subject and turned the incident over to the Howell County Juvenile Office.
Deputy Roam received information from the West Plains Police Department of a vehicle pursuit. The vehicle fled from a traffic stop and almost struck two patrol officers.
Deputy Michael Pauly received a call of death at US Highway 60 Caulfield as Deputy Howell County Coroner.
Deputy Robert Malone received a request to assist Department of Family Services on County Road 6710, West Plains for a report of child abuse.
Deputy Talon Millard received a report of harassment and threats from a resident of County Road 7640. An investigation is ongoing.
August 27
Corporal Smith received a call of a domestic dispute on County Road 6850, West Plains. The incident is under investigation.
Corporal Smith responded to County Road 2350 for a domestic dispute.