
Church League-Monday, June 10 Barb Tate, Linda Benyo, Ron Brown and Paul Davis with a score of 32. Mike Coatney, Jackson Coatney and Hudson Coatney with a score of 38. Cat and Dog-Tuesday, June 11 Bev and Carl Hicks with a score of 34; Steve Coatney and Barb Tate with a score of 37; Mike...
Despite the weather not being agreeable for golf the last few weeks, leagues have finally started playing on Monday and Tuesday. Monday, June 3 - Church League Team 1 with a score of 4 under: Ron Brown, Danny Bradley, Mike Coatney, Linda Benyo, and Short Tupper. Team 2: Blane Altermatt, Brady...
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The 22nd Annual Tom Smith Sunrise Rotary Golf Tournament, held on Saturday, May 25 was a tremendous success, bringing together golf enthusiasts and community supporters for a day of spirited competition and camaraderie. The event featured 34 teams, each composed of three players, competing across...
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Registration is currently open for the Third Annual Folds of Honor Fundraiser Golf Tournament, a 3-person, 18-hole scramble that will be held at the West Plains Country Club on Friday, June 21, with a shotgun start at 12:00 p.m. To register for the tournament, please visit
Ozarks Healthcare announces the availability of sports physicals for student athletes from June 17 to June 28. The physicals will be offered Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ozarks Healthcare Zizzer Clinic located at 1013 College St. in West Plains. Walk-ins are welcome,...
Howell County News/Sees the Moment Photography
The Willow Springs Lady Bears headed to the Final Four after they defeated the Houston Lady Tigers in the quarterfinal game 10-2 on May 14. The Lady Bears face Diamond on Monday, May 20 at the Missouri State University fields in Springfield, MO.
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The Willow Springs Boys Golf team took second place at the Class 2 State Tournament held May 13 and 14. Noah Leslie and Blayne Altermatt earned All-State honors. Congratulations Bears!  


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