Howell County News - Shawana Cox
The Willow Springs Bears missed the Championship trophy in the Sparta Trojan Invitational by only two points this past week, coming away with second place.  
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
The annual awards banquet held by the Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce introduced two never-before-seen awards.   
photo by Patty Ingalls
The Lady Zizzer basketball upset another State-ranked team, Logan-Rogersville, 58-56, last Thursday, January 24, to win the 32nd annual Gary Keeling Tournament in Bolivar.  
If I seemed a bit scarce last week, that's because I was in Jefferson City for the Missouri Press Association (MPA) Day at the Capitol.   
Howell County News - Shawana Cox
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
Howell County News/ Kacey Blunk
photo by Patty Ingalls
photo courtesy of West Plains Police Department.
Click HERE to watch the recording of the Dec. 5 Public Safety Community Forum.     
The Willow Springs School District Board of Education held a special session last week to speak to the public about possibly moving to a four-day school week. Willow would be joining many other nearby schools, such as Mountain Grove and Cabool by moving to a four-day week, with over a quarter of...
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
The annual awards banquet held by the Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce introduced two never-before-seen awards.    “We are always looking for ways to recognize more of our businesses for their outstanding commitment to our community,” said Chamber President Mary Aye. “The Community...
The Ozarks has been hit hard with absences as influenza runs through local school districts.   On Thursday, Jan. 30 the Mountain View-Birch Tree School District announced it would have an AMI Learn and Return Day on Friday, Jan. 31. The reason was due to "the high number of sick students and...
Howell County News/ Kacey Blunk
West Plains High School named Brock Kenega the Head Coach for their 2025-2026 high school football season. Kenega has 28 years of coaching experience under his belt. He served as an assistant coach for Buffalo High School before spending 27 years back in his hometown at Liberty High School, where...
photo by Patty Ingalls
The Lady Zizzer basketball upset another State-ranked team, Logan-Rogersville, 58-56, last Thursday, January 24, to win the 32nd annual Gary Keeling Tournament in Bolivar.   On Monday, the Lady Zizzers rolled over Sedalia Smith-Cotton, 77-47. Gillian Green led the Lady Zizzers with a double-...
Many residents spoke out against a rezoning effort seeking to build multi-family homes. The West Plains City Council did something a little different in their January meeting, asking for public comment on each bill following the council's discussion of it. Only one of the three bills discussed...
photo courtesy of West Plains Police Department.
One person was arrested after West Plains Police enacted a search warrant on a residence on Joe Jones Boulevard on Thursday morning. Police recovered multiple controlled substances when they searched the home and arrested a man with a history of drug possession.   West Plains Police arrested...
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
At a unanimous vote from the Willow Springs Board of Aldermen, Andy Logan has been chosen as the new Willow Springs Fire Chief and code enforcement officer.    Chair of the hiring committee, Dean Aye, said Logan is the candidate who showed, “a clearly superior management and strategic...
Operating on the minimum tax rate levy in Missouri, Willow Springs R-IV School district showed a net decrease in funds of over $1.2 million and a six percent decrease in the unrestricted fund balance in the audit of the 2024 fiscal year. The school board heard a review of this audit at their Jan...


If you don’t shop locally, what is your biggest obstacle?


The West Plains boys wrestling team is a mostly a scrappy mix of emerging, young talent and a genuine star in senior Colten McGuire.    A couple of weeks ago, McGuire counted his...

Howell County News

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Willow Springs, MO 65793

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