2024 Willow Springs FFA Thank you to the Privette Law Office for being a proud sponsor of the Willow Springs FFA Organization. President Melaina Wilson and Vice-President Kolton Stolba show appreciation to owners Zane and Bailey Privette. Thank you to Pine Meadows Venue for being a proud sponsor of the Willow Springs FFA Organization. President Melaina Wilson and Vice-President Kolton Stolba show appreciation to owner Nikki Morrison and Coordinator Elise Hagemen. 2023-2024 Willow Springs FFA Officer Team, bottom to top: President Melaina Wilson, Vice-President Kolton Stolba, Treasurer Wesley Newell, Reporter Ian Kurtz, Sentinel Nate Dodgen, Chaplin Marcus King, Historian Sydnie Sigert, Parliamentary Allison McDonough, Not pictured is Secretary Jarett Lindsey. FFA Members prepare for a heated game of tug of war at the annual Back to School Bash. Left to right: Sydnie Sigert, Jordan Young, Alexis McDonough, and Justin Clark suit-up in biosecurity measures before they perform an audit of a swine facility. Sydnie Sigert receiving her fourth place in state individual award at the Swine Assurance Facility contest. Bo Wilson, Melaina Wilson, and Grady Friga running the Willow Springs FFA Booth and Petting Zoo at Bear City Fall Festival. The officer team and the first year FFA members attend Area Greenhand Motivational conference. On the way to National Convention members got a chance to stop at Fair Oaks farm and tour the facilities. Pictured, back row, left to right: Marcus King, Grady Friga, Bo Wilson, Ian Kurtz, Wesley Newell. Front row: Jarret Lindsey, Sydnie Sigert, Katy Spence, Kolton Stolba, Melaina Wilson, Allison McDonough, Hope McClellan and Justine Clark. National FFA Convention Session held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. First row, left to right: Kolton Stolba, Allison McDonough, Sydnie Sigert, Ian Kurtz, Wesley Newell, Hope McClellan, Back row- left to right: Shiloh Walden, Jarett Lindsey, Bo Wilson, Grady, Friga, Melaina Wilson, Katy Spence, and Justine Clark. Willow Springs FFA Chapter attends the 96th annual FFA convention. From left to right: (top row) Ian Kurtz, Marcus King, Kolton Stolba, Jarret Lindsey, (second row) Bo Wilson, Grady Friga, Wesley Newell, (third row) Hope McClellan, Justine Clark Allison McDonough, Sydnie Sigert, (bottom row) Melaina Wilson and Katy Spence. The Teach Agriculture team gets ready to teach fourth grade about the importance of dairy farmers in our world. Bottom row, left to right: Lyndee Rateree-Kruse, Sydnie Sigert, Kolton Stolba. Top row, left to right: Hope McClellan, Allison McDonough, Jackson Lee, Jarett Lindsey. Presenter Jarett Lindsey, Kolton Stolba, and Lyndee Ratterree-Kruseare met with a lot of questions about the dairy industry, and how milk is used as a main ingredient in a lot of different foods. The Teach Agriculture team gets ready to teach Second grade about how all aspects of agriculture are involved in making Pizza and Pizza Rolls. Bottom row L-R: Alexis McDonough, Logan Mullins, Top row L-R: Tylar Fine, Katy Spence, and Serena Hagen. Kolton Stolba reads a story about a farm tractor to preschool students. Grady Friga and his team color farming sheets with the preschool students, and they have discussions about agriculture and tractors. The FFA Chapter host their yearly Humanize the Badge fish fry for local Law Enforcement Officials. Pictured is FFA officer Wesley Newell talking with one of the officers while cooking fish. Students participating in games during the annual FCCLA/FFA Barnwarming. Left to right: Hope McClellan, Hynlie Johnson, Jackson Lee, Tobie Brotherton, Lydie Ratteree, Marcus Tinsley and Nate Dodgen. At the Back to School BBQ students play a game of cow tongue football. Advisor Shiloh Walden throws the tongue and Chaplin Marcus King goes to complete the pass while Treasurer Wesley Newell attempts to intercept it.