
Livestock producers have options for reducing hay waste and feeding costs while improving animal behavior and performance, says University of Missouri Extension specialist Charlie Ellis. Farmers can choose from several methods to reduce waste based on their preferences, labor availability and...
University of Missouri Extension offers training for commercial pesticide applicators January-March 2023. The online training certifies licensed commercial pesticide applicators. Commercial licenses are valid for three years. MU Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program coordinator Sam...
The COVID-19 pandemic made for some "hard candy Christmases." Still sweet, Christmas in confinement was nevertheless hard and disappointing. Christmas 2022 will likely be one of adjustment as families try to restore traditions after several years of disrupted celebrations, says Jeremiah Terrell...
Pasture and hay supplies are short in many areas of central and southern Missouri. University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Gene Schmitz has a number of options for livestock producers to consider for feeding their livestock this winter. Test hay "This is the simplest, most cost-...
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Missouri State Director Kyle Wilkens announced that the Department is awarding $730,000 grant through the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program (MPPEP). "USDA Rural Development works hard to provide farmers, ranchers and small...
image courtesy of the Missouri Department of Conservation
Cattle don't like eating sericea lespedeza, an invasive species in Missouri pastures. But goats do, according to research at the University of Missouri's Land of the Osages Research Farm in central Missouri. MU Extension forage specialist Harley Naumann found that goats are also getting a...
Missouri's Drought Assessment Committee will hold its third meeting to discuss the status of the state's drought, as well as any recommended changes to the ongoing coordinated state and federal response. The Drought Assessment Committee will meet from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10,...
photo courtesy of Justin Calhoun
This is peanut harvest time in the Missouri Bootheel. Interest in the versatile legume has grown among Bootheel farmers since 2018, says University of Missouri Extension soils and cropping systems specialist Justin Calhoun. Calhoun estimates there may be more than 15,000 acres of peanuts in the...
photo provided
Fall is the time to harvest, cure and store ornamental gourds, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. "Gourds are thought to be among the first domesticated plant species, dating back to as early as 13,000 B.C," Trinklein said. "Through the years, dried gourds...
"While munching on those tasty fall treats, make sure to peruse the nursery catalogs and place an order for apple trees to plant in your own yard," says Michele Warmund, University of Missouri Extension horticulturist. "Placing an order now will ensure the delivery of the more popular, disease-...


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