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West Plains R-VII School District Student School Board Representative announced

The West Plains R-VII School District Board of Education has welcomed a West Plains High School student to serve as a non-voting member of the board. The student representative will serve in an advisory capacity to represent the interests of students in the district. Junior Emma Arnold was selected as the district's 2024-25 student representative. Emma is the daughter of Jerry and Allison Arnold.  Arnold will have an opportunity to participate in the monthly board meetings, meet with the district and building administration throughout the school year, and provide a clear communication channel between the school board and the student body.
"We are thrilled to welcome Emma Arnold to the school board as a student representative.  It is very important to us to hear the students' points of view while we are making decisions about the educational environment at West Plains R-VII," according to Board President Cindy Tyree.  Board Vice-President Reid Grigsby stated, "Emma's passion for student advocacy and commitment to fostering positive change makes her an ideal candidate to represent the diverse perspectives of our student body."
As a bridge between the board and the student body, the student representative will provide information and support during meetings and serve as a resource for board members. While the student representative cannot vote, the advisory position is important as it provides a student perspective on important issues that the board discusses and takes action on. In her role, Arnold will also provide a monthly report on activities happening at the high school, ensuring that the student voice is heard and considered. 
"Emma brings diverse experiences to the table. She has been involved with leadership opportunities outside the classroom, including participation in the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Student Council, and the Zizzer softball team," said Dr. Wesley Davis, Superintendent. "Her insights and perspective on how decisions at the board level support students are welcomed and appreciated."
Arnold successfully secured the position through an application and interview process, including submitting several recommendation letters from the school and the community. She will begin her position in August 2024.
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