WP School District Announces Spring Semester Plan

According to a release from Superintendent Dr. Lori Wilson, the district plans for all grades to return to school in regular seated classes on January 4, 2020.
-Grades 5-12 will remain masked, and the current opt-out mask clause will change. Only students with a medical excuse or those with disabilities can opt-out of wearing a mask.
-To comply with the quarantine guidance, specific information regarding masks has been provided here. 
-No changes are being made for grades PreK-4 at this time. PreK-4 students are not required to mask, will continue to attend school as normal, and social distance as much as possible.
Faculty & Staff Quarantine Assurances 
With the support of the Howell County Health Department, the board approved changes to the current faculty return to work procedures and will be made effective immediately. If a district employee has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or the 48 hours prior to symptoms and has been quarantined by the Howell County Health Department:
District employees must stay home for five days (120 hours) and then must receive a negative test to return to work. If the employee provides documentation of a negative test, they may return to work but must wear a mask for the 14 days after exposure. The procedure does not change for faculty and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or are presumed positive.  
Return to Work Expectations
14 days after exposure.
-Remain masked at all times, no exceptions
-Will eat/drink in isolation (non-group or co-worker settings)
-Come to work and leave work at prescribed times.
-Perform daily personal home wellness checks
-Perform two (2) temperature checks with the building nurse
-Will isolate immediately if demonstrate any COVID-19 related symptoms.
-If symptoms appear, the employee must remain at home.

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