'A Night at the Movies Concert' to be held at the Star Theater
Thu, 05/12/2022 - 12:24pm
The Willow Springs Arts Council is excited to announce a very special concert to be presented by the Southern Ozarks Community Orchestra and the STARS Foundation. The Arts Council is a proud sponsor of this event along with sponsors of The STARS Foundation in Cabool.
“A Night at the Movies Concert” will be presented at the Star Theater in Willow Springs on Sunday, May 15 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door and are $10 for adults. Children under 12 will be admitted free of charge.
“A Night at the Movies Concert” will feature musical selections from many wonderful movies along with video clips from those movies. Included on the program are movie favorites “Forrest Gump, How to Train Your Dragon, Titanic, James Bond, Avengers, Gladiator, Superman Returns”, and many more! In keeping with the movie theme, everyone will receive a free bag of popcorn courtesy of the Willow Springs Community Foundation.
This concert will be a fundraiser for the Southern Ozarks Community Orchestra and donations will help the orchestra continue to present live concerts.
For more information on the Willow Springs Arts Council, Southern Ozarks Community Orchestra, and the STARS Foundation go to their Facebook pages. Information on the Arts Council is also available at www.willowspringsartscouncil.org.