Filing is closed – who’s running for office?
Tue, 01/07/2025 - 12:05pm
Election Day is April 8
City of West Plains
Ron Grennan faces Jarryd Alsup in the election for a councilmember seat. Incumbent John Niesen is not running again.
West Plains R-VII School District
There will be no election. Two candidates signed up for the two available seats. Incumbents Cindy Tyree and Sam Riggs will serve 3-year terms.
City of Willow Springs
Kim Rich and Adam Webb are both running for mayor. Incumbent Brooke Fair is not seeking re-election. In Ward 1, Bryan Hogan and Luke Bartow are running. In Ward 2, there is no contest. Michael Tooley will serve.
Willow Springs R-III School District
Incumbents Debbie Bryan and Jeff Lovan are not running again. Voters will choose two of the three candidates who have filed: Roger Shanks, Lori Foster, and Meagan Jones.
City of Mountain View
Barbara Gail Wallander is running unopposed for the West Ward seat soon to be vacated by Ed Martin. In the East Ward, there is a contested race. Brigg Pierson is running against Jennifer McAdams. A third contender, Vicki Carr, did file for office on Dec. 30, but withdrew, confirms City Clerk Jessica Smith. Incumbent Gary Yarber is not running for the seat.
Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III School District
Seats currently occupied by Mikael Orchard and Josh Roberts are up for election this cycle. Both incumbents are running again, and they are also challenged by Logan Walkup. Voters will choose two of the three candidates.