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The Mountain View Garden Club holds November meeting

The members of the Mountain View Garden Club met in Mountain View and carpooled to the home of Robi Tanner for their November meeting. Debbi McNew, program leader for this activity, had planned an exciting day of playing with cement, one of the members favorite activities. McNew had collected a nice selection of forms and pretty stones for the members to decorate their "Stepping Stones". Once the stepping stones were done, and left in place to cure for several days, the members met for the business portion of the meeting where the upcoming SWAG Workshop and Christmas Cookie Platter events were discussed in detail. Pictured above, left to right: Marty Toll, Judy Rhine, Connie Stone, Jessica Smith with her grandson Boo-Boo,Tammie Tettaton, Erma Martin, Hilary Connolly, Janet Swope, and Debbi McNew. Robi Tanner took the photo.
The Mountain View Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri and the Central Region Garden Clubs. Visit us on Facebook at to enjoy the photos that are taken at the meetings and other events.
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