Willow Springs schools announced two safety concerns

During the first week of school, the Willow Springs School District announced two safety concerns. Both were handled swiftly and resulted in no harm to students or staff, according to statements released by communications director Jenny Hayward. 
On Thursday, there was a situation with a written threat at the middle school, naming two individuals connected to the school. Administration contacted those individuals and their families to discuss the nature of the threat.
“We are following all policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our students and have concluded that there is no active threat,” read Thursday afternoon’s statement. 
This threat caused no interruption to the school day. 
On Friday, staff members at Willow Springs High School heard rumors of a potential threat. According to the school’s public statement, investigation concluded there was no credible threat to students or staff. “Safety is a top priority, and the district will continue to investigate any potential threats in an effort to ensure safety for everyone on campus,” read the second statement from the school. 
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