Missouri Redistricting

The House Independent Bipartisan Citizens Commission recently approved a final state redistricting plan. The final plan, which was approved unanimously by all 20 commission members, is the first plan approved by a House Commission since 1991. The final redistricting plan has an overall difference in population of 5.8 percent between its largest and smallest districts. The commission has posted the final plan for public viewing and can be accessed from the Redistricting Office’s website at https://oa.mo.gov/budget-planning/redistricting-office. The page will include an interactive map as well as the official filing documents submitted to the Secretary of State, and other supplemental maps and tables.
House District 142 will become House District 143 and include the western Phelps County, all of Maries County and all of Texas County.
The commission was formed for the purpose of redistricting the 163 districts in the Missouri House of Representatives. It held public hearings throughout Missouri last fall. The commission had until January 23, 2022 to finalize their plans.
The Senate Independent Bipartisan Citizens Commission failed to submit a tentative plan to the Secretary of State’s office by the December 23, 2021 deadline. Per the Missouri Constitution, the Missouri Senate will now be redistricted by a new commission of six members appointed from among the judges of the appellate courts by the Missouri Supreme Court.
It is an honor and privilege to serve as your State Representative. If you have questions, concerns or just want to talk contact me at: Phone: 573-751-1490, Email: bennie.cook@house.mo.gov or visit the Capitol office at 201 West Capitol Avenue, Room 203-B, Jefferson City, MO.

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