Howell County Sheriff's Office
Wed, 03/24/2021 - 11:12am
March 17
Alexandro Silva, 18, West Plains, first degree statutory sodomy.
March 10
A Mountain View man reported that mail containing checks on his bank account had either been lost or stolen. The man wished to make a report in the event that anything had happened to the checks.
March 15
A West Plains man reported finding a firearm on his property. It appeared that the firearm had been there for several years. The weapon was placed into the found property at the Howell County Sheriff’s Office.
March 18
A Pomona man reported the burglary of a cabin he oversees on County Road 5130 in Pomona. A report was taken.
A Pomona man reported vandalism to his 2003 Mini Cooper, while the vehicle was parked at a repair shop in Pomona. Stereo components were also taken from the vehicle. A report was generated.