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Ozarks Healthcare recently welcomed Dr. Ryan Vaisler, a board-certified family practice physician, to Ozarks Healthcare Family Medicine as a new provider. Vaisler joins providers Dr. Joseph Barnard, Dr. Samuel Evans, and Dr. Jen Lambert in providing compassionate, coordinated primary care backed...
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Texas County Memorial Hospital honored Cora Turnbull of Cabool with a DAISY Award during a cinnamon roll breakfast ceremony held for all the DAISY Award nominees on Wednesday, November 16.  Turnbull is a registered nurse (RN) paramedic at TCMH. The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System)...
Texas County Memorial Hospital has received a letter of resignation from Dr. Jonathan Beers, internal medicine physician, at TCMH.  Dr. Beers, an employee of TCMH since 2012, is leaving TCMH for personal and professional reasons.  Dr. Beers will work at TCMH until December 9.  Wes Murray,...
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Texas County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees announced the hiring of Stace Holland of Pineville, MO, as its next chief executive officer effective November 14, 2022. The TCMH Board contracted with Jeff Tindle of Tindle & Associates in August to lead the nationwide search. After an in-...
Jasper Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Jasper Engines and Transmissions, Weller Truck, Diesel USA Group, D&W Diesel, Jasper Innovative Solutions, and Jasper Electric Motors, announced last week the acquisition of Jer-Den Plastics, Michigan's leader in Plastic Rotational Molding. Jer-...
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The new physician face at Texas County Memorial Hospital is Chad Law, DO. Law, a board-certified family medicine physician. Dr. Law signed a contract with TCMH in July to provide weekend hospital inpatient coverage for obstetrics, pediatrics, medical-surgical, and intensive care patients one...
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Layken Doss, licensed practical nurse (LPN) at Ozarks Healthcare in Mountain View, was recently honored with The DAISY Award® For Extraordinary Nurses for the level of care she demonstrated to a local patient and her family. The DAISY Award is part of the DAISY Foundation's programs to recognize...
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The REALTORS Land Institute proudly announced that Cody Weeks, Broker-Associate, 37 North Realty Group of West Plains, MO, has officially joined the ranks of those holding the elite Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation on October 19, 2022. The REALTORS® Land Institute provides the...
Jasper Engines and Transmissions of Willow Springs held its 7th Annual Bear City Car Show presented by the Southern Cruisers and West Plains Car Clubs on Saturday, Oct. 1. There were 75 cars registered and just over $1,275.00 was raised. Jasper matched this amount and donated the proceeds to three...
Ozarks Healthcare has been awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Development Program for a new 10,000 square-foot clinic space for its location in Mountain View. U.S. Representative Jason Smith announced the grant to the health system earlier this week...


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