
With Independence Day quickly approaching, the West Plains Police Department is reminding residents that discharging fireworks in the City limits is a violation of City Ordinance and will be enforced. Sec. 20-44, Discharge of fireworks states, “No individual or organization may discharge...
FREE swimming lessons for ages 5 and up will be offered at the Willow Springs City Pool from July 12 to 16 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The deadline to sign up is July 7, and the class size is limited to 30 pupils. Sign up at the pool. Call 417-469-1537 with questions.
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At their meeting on June 14, the Willow Springs R-IV School Board voted to offer Joel Wyatt a contract as head football coach for the 2021-2022 academic year. Wyatt replaces Loga Schwalm in the PE/Conditioning/Head Coach position. Schwalm’s resignation was accepted by the Board in the same...
Five months after a record-breaking ten-day stretch of freezing weather in February, the City of Willow Springs is ready to announce their plan for the way the costs will impact individual utility customers.  The extreme temperatures caused more than a $600,000 increase in the City’s wholesale...
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
Lacy Schwien has been a fixture of the Willow Springs Public Library since 2019, and she took over the Director position on May 25. Schwien replaces West Plains native Kimberly Shannon, who has recently taken a position at the West Plains Public Library.  In the time that Schwien has worked at...
Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez
The paper came down from the windows of the storefront last week, piquing public interest about the new business opening at the 4-way stop in downtown Willow Springs. Dew Family Originals officially opened its doors on June 15.  Howell County News toured the tattoo, piercing, and art studio on...
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Cody Sanders has joined the City of West Plains as its Public Relations Coordinator. Sanders, a West Plains native, joins the City staff after spending nearly 10 years in community journalism, most recently serving as News Director of the Ozark Marketing Company. Sanders will develop,...
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Colonel Eric Lewis from West Plains, Missouri has been playing, singing performing, writing songs and recording for 63 years, he began playing at age 15, in the 1960's he formed a bluegrass, country group  They toured at festivals and other venues. In 1970 Eric joined the Heart of the Ozarks...
Ozarks Healthcare and the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO) will host a blood drive on Friday, June 18, from noon to 6 p.m. at the Willard Hunter Classroom in the Ozarks Healthcare Parkway Center at 1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains.  The drive is appropriately themed, “Make S’...
MSU-WP Photo
Neva Parrott, assistant librarian at the Garnett Library, recently was recognized for 50 years of employment at Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP) during an Employee Appreciation Picnic at the campus' amphitheater. Parrott was hired in 1970 as a librarian with a faculty rank of...


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