Speaking Personally-A Pro-Life Series, Part I
Wed, 11/25/2020 - 1:20pm
The Start of a Pro-Life Series
Amanda Mendez, Publisher
As a conservative woman in my 30s, I sometimes feel like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in a dam, standing singly yet resolutely before a flood. Among those of my generation and younger, I hear a lot of talk about “being on the right side of history.” The idea is to believe and behave in a way that won’t be condemned by history books. But everyone knows history is written by the victors. Attempting to “be on the right side of history” can only mean trying to align yourself with a prevailing concept, or aligning yourself with the side you think will win.
In my own lifetime, I have seen a rapid proliferation of liberal ideas. For better or worse, technology and instantaneous global communication are accelerating “progress” at a rate unprecedented in human history. I don’t feel qualified or called to comment on all of the social issues that are breaking wide open these days. However, there is one issue on which I feel called and uniquely equipped to comment: the issue of unborn rights, or pro-life issues.
I am choosing to speak out because I am genuinely concerned about the rising tide of pro-choice champions. It is not in me to sit idly by and let these deeply sexist, uncompassionate, and patently wrong ideas go unchallenged. Because I intend to be on the right side of history on this issue, I intend to do my part to see that truth prevails.
As such, I am embarking on a series of pro-life editorial articles. My goal is to change hearts and minds. If you disagree with my position, I beg you to hear me out. If you already agree with me, send me your thoughts and ideas.
My faith roundly condemns every action and policy that prevents the natural development or implantation of human life in the womb. However, my arguments in this series will not be faith-based simply because arguing these foundational principles would distract from my goal. I believe my faith to be divinely inspired truth, and I am confident that I can argue its precepts effectively even in non-religious terms. Truth is truth no matter how you slice it.
My most important point and overarching theme will be that “choice” is a fundamentally sexist idea, which is the opposite of how it presents itself. Pro-choice advocates will sometimes make the point that they are not necessarily “pro-abortion,” but that it is a disservice to women to take this “choice” off the menu. The narrative that confirms a woman’s fears or suspicions that she “can’t” or “shouldn’t” raise a child is deeply sexist. Where is the female solidarity and empowerment? Where are the friends and neighbors standing in support telling her she is a queen, strong and capable of doing anything?
Draw a parallel with a woman announcing a divorce. Just like with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, the exact circumstances that led to her current situation are no one’s business, and both are a serious, life-altering events. Maybe the circumstance arrived without her consent, yet the challenge is before her. In 2020, the social response for divorce is one of support and compassion. Not one person would confirm woman’s fear that divorce will destroy her, damage her, or ruin her life. Why would we let a woman believe those things about ANY challenge she faces, even an unplanned pregnancy?
As a society, the narrative should be that, like all life’s curveballs, an unwanted pregnancy is a completely manageable challenge. Girl, you can do this. Here are the resources to help you. Call this number. Go to this office.
I don’t believe it is empowering women to help us make a choice based on fear. The obvious counter to this argument is that many women who “exercise their legal right to choose,” are not afraid. They simply do not want a baby. They do not want to be pregnant. Restricting their rights and narrowing their choices in this instance is considered to be misogynist. But I disagree. I will pick this idea up next week with a discussion of bodily autonomy. That is, my rights end where yours begin.